Foto ateliér & Miss iZUN: Dominika Staščáková |
Prostory: Ateliér ČZU v Aule & Střecha MCEV
Šaty: Svatební salon Delta
Make-up: Linda Měrková | Mary Kay
Hair styling: SOU kadeřnické
Foto ateliér & Miss iZUN: Dominika Staščáková |
Prostory: Ateliér ČZU v Aule & Střecha MCEV
Šaty: Svatební salon Delta
Make-up: Linda Měrková | Mary Kay
Hair styling: SOU kadeřnické
Fakulta: FAPPZ
Obor: Sustainable Use of Natural Resources (B-SUNRB)
Ročník: 2.
Věk: 24
Beenzu is a kind, curious, outgoing and hardworking person. She loves to get involved and to offer a helping hand whenever possible.
Proč by ses zrovna Ty měla stát Miss Agro 2023?
As an activist for the environment and human rights, Miss Agro title will be a platform that will help me achieve my goals and dreams of contributing to making this world a better place. Truth is, in todays world, titles are respected and taken more serious. I hope to use it to bring about positive change and be an ambassador for CZU wherever I will go.
Kolik času trávíš na sociálních sítích? Daří se Ti udržovat balanc mezi online a offline životem?
I scroll through social media at different times of the day but mostly when I’m at home during weekends and also some time at night.
I’m able to balance and manage my different social media accounts and still have time for school and social life with friends.
Proč sis vybrala zrovna studium na ČZU a co máš na ní nejraději?
I love, appreciate and respect the sustainability aspect of the Czech University of Life Sciences. As an advocate for Sustainable Environments, CZU is the best place for me. I think the curriculum for the university is great, school should never feel like punishment and I love that CZU lives up to that.